Sessions @ the “iLand”
To skate in a session @ the “iLand”, participants must meet the grade/age requirements for that particular session. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Halfway through each skate session, skaters are required to sit and listen to a 30-minute Bible Talk. Those who arrive after the Bible Talk cannot skate that night. Those who leave before the Bible Talk must attend the Talk before they can skate in another session.
(Photos or videos of all participants may be used for Social Media and/or marketing.)
Pee-Wee Sk8
(Kindergarten through grade 5)
Junior High Sk8
(Grades 6-8)
Those 15 at registration must go to High School.
High School Sk8
(Grades 9-12)
Those 18 still in High School must attend High School. Early High School graduates age 17 must attend High School.
Over 18 Sk8
(age 18 and graduated +)
Only those 18 and graduated from High School may attend. Those 19 must attend, even those not graduated.
In order to skate / ride you must do the following:
COMPLETELY FILL OUT AND SIGN THE APPROPRIATE FORM. Both minor participant and minor participant’s legal parent (legal birth parent, legal guardian, legal foster care parent or legal adoptive parent) must sign the minor form. Signatures from stepparents, host-families, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, neighbors and friends are not legally binding and therefore will not be accepted.
PARENTAL SIGNATURES WE ACCEPT: 1. Parental signature witnessed by Skatechurch Staff, or 2. Parental signature accompanied by a photo or photocopy of BOTH SIDES of the signing parent’s valid drivers license or ID.
PROVIDE PROPER ID. Legal parents must provide current signed photo ID (Drivers license, DMV ID, or Passport). Minor aged participants must provide ID to prove age/grade eligibility for the appropriate session. IDs we accept are: Current School Photo ID, Birth Certificate, Drivers License, DMV ID, Medical ID, Passport.
WEAR HELMET. All participants must wear a helmet. Those who choose not to wear a helmet do so at their own risk. Potential injuries include permanent disability or even death.
INLINE SKATERS AND SCOOTERS are permitted in Peewee only. Only skateboarding is permitted at Junior High, High School and Over-18. BMX riders are not permitted at any session.
Admission to weekly skate sessions is FREE for students 18 and younger!
Thanks to your generous donations, Faceplant Ministries is able to offer free admission to students. If you love what Faceplant Ministries is doing and want to support the mission, please consider donating so we can continue to reach out to the Sk8 community
The Faceplant Ministries “iLand” is more than a place to skate. We exist to tell skaters about God. If you come to skate you MUST attend the Bible Talk halfway through the session. If you are not willing to hear about God then Faceplant Ministries is not for you.
Beyond that, we simply ask that skaters obey the staff, respect other people, respect our neighbors, the property, skate safe, and have fun!
Please note: We are a SKATEBOARDING ministry.
Only skateboarding is permitted at Junior High, High School and Over-18.
INLINE skaters and SCOOTERS are permitted ONLY at Peewee.
BMX riders are not permitted at any session.